Pet Dental Health Information For Pet Owners

If your pet has bad breath, red or swollen gums, or yellowish plaque on their teeth, it may be a sign of serious periodontal disease. Periodontal (gum) disease is one of the most common health concerns of pets today, and neglecting treatment can lead gum infections which result in disease, tooth loss, and even  damage to the organs in severe cases.

Learn About Dental Disease in Pets

Periodontal disease is the most prevalent oral disease seen in small animals, specifically dogs and cats. It can be a very painful and often debilitating disease to the affected animal, and unfortunately most pet owners will not know that their pet is suffering until the animal is showing obvious signs of discomfort from more advanced forms of periodontitis. Learn more about periodontal disease in animals.

Preventing Dental Disease

Brushing your pet’s teeth can go a long way toward preventing dental disease. Some pets resist brushing, but most eventually accept it, especially if you start a brushing routine when your pet is young (10 weeks to 10 months). Aim at brushing your pet’s teeth once each day or at least three times a week. Learn how to brush your pet’s teeth.

The gold standard for preventing periodontal disease is a professional prophylaxis (teeth cleaning) in conjunction with home care. When treating periodontal disease, scaling and root planning is one of the most commonly used techniques in periodontal therapy. Learn about non-anesthetic dental for pets.

Additional Information

Read our blog post The First Signs of Dental Disease in Cats